Real Estate Accounting & Tax Structures

Real Estate Accounting

Most people working in real estate, investing in stocks and trading crypto deal with large amounts of money on a daily basis, this could mean costly mistakes and high tax bills. But it doesn't have to be that way. Accountants can structure your business in a tax efficient way, provide guidance on unnecessary expenses, and protect you from fraudulent and deceiving practices in your industry. Experts at WhiteGold Tax & Accounting have experience in many industries spanning across many countries. Our professionals have helped many clients avoid unnecessary tax, protect their assets, and alleviate the burden of recording complex transactions so you can focus on maintaining and growing your investments.

Asset, Financial & Tax Structuring

At WhiteGold Tax & Accounting we provide you with a financial check-up to assess the overall structure of your taxes. We review your past years taxes to ensure accuracy and suggest tax saving opportunities to reduce the amount of tax you pay, while at the same time protecting your wealth.

We emphasize wealth protection as an essential component in sustaining and accumulating wealth as government audits and business failures are a common reality today. We want you to rise above these commonalities.

Wills, Estate & Succession Planning

WhiteGold Tax & Accounting can help you find the best possible way to plan and efficiently allocate your wealth in the most cost-efficient manner to minimize probate and estate taxes when you pass on wealth to the next generation.

One example is considering the advantages of a secondary will. By using multiple wills and naming the shares of a private company in the second will. One will can avoid paying probate taxes on the value of their assets held in the corporation.

WhiteGold Tax & Accounting can help you map out a business succession plan that contains a strategy and a roadmap that enables you, as a business owner, to maximize value and leave your business on your own terms because every business owner will leave their business eventually.

The average business owner has 75% of their net worth tied up in their business and 80% of businesses are not saleable today for what the owner expects. We can also help you prepare your business for sale achieving your objectives according to your time frame.


A trust is a legal arrangement that benefits people who wish to privately structure their affairs or who wish to control assets without actually owning those assets, or, in some circumstances, who wish to take advantage of certain tax-planning opportunities. In any of those cases, at WhiteGold Tax & Accounting, we can help you create a trust that meets your unique needs.

In Canada, one can set up a principal residence trust to better protect their home from future creditors while continuing to benefit and enjoy their principal residence. We can help you establish a highly customized trust to ensure tax planning aid, privacy, control and overall maximize your wealth to achieve and accomplish your goals.